Welcome to the much anticipated Eye Styling Course!
Do you struggle with knowing what length or curls to use on a client? or do you always use the same length and curls on every client? Then this is definitely the course for you! In this class, you will learn how to identify eye shapes, how to map your clients to balance out their features, hide undesirable features and accentuate desirable features.
You'll learn how to give each client a unique set of lashes that is custom-made to fit their face. (Suitable for classic and volume artists)
- Lash curls
- Categories of curls
- Lash lengths
- 6 Lash maps
- Practice drawing maps
- Identifying eye shapes
- Correcting undesirable features
- Accentuating features
- Creating balance within the face
- Angle / Direction placement
- Taking consultation pictures
- Case Studies
- Case Study assignment
Group classes of up to 25 students, taking place on Zoom. Class will be recorded and added to a private Facebook Group for future reference.
In order to receive your certificate of completion you must do the following;
Submit at least 3 Case Studies
Before Photos - descriptions below
After Photos - descriptions below
Models must have different eye shapes
If not, additional case studies will need to be submitted
Send Casey Studies to PacificBeautyCove@gmail.com
Utilize the format below when submitting

Full face
Side profile from both sides
Photo of model laying down, showing the eye pads and your map on them (make sure both eyes are clearly visible)
Close up of left eye open
Close up of right eye open
Full face
Side profile from both sides
Photo of model laying down, showing the eye pads so I can clearly see your maps and the shape of your map
Close up of left eye open
Close up of right eye open
Send to PacificBeautyCove@gmail.com
Subject line: Case Study # (1, 2 or 3)
Your email should include;
Model's eye shape
What map you chose, and why
What length you chose, and why
What you think you did well
What you think you can improve on
Attach 6 before photos (see descriptions)
Attach 6 after photos (see descriptions)
If the proper photos are not submitted or are unclear or blurry this will result in a failed case study and require a resubmission.